Lausanne underground film & music festival
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Thursday, 15 October, 20:15, Paderewski

Friday, 16 October, 15:45, Cinéma Bellevaux

Gem Deger, 2020, Czech republic

English with French subs, digital, color, 87’


World premiere – In presence of Gem Deger, Martin Raiman & Steve Reverand (producers)


Official site


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On waking up, Demir’s mind is like a blank page, devoid of past or memory. He discovers that he shares a brightly colored apartment with his idol and fantasy Andrew, a Hollywood soap-boy, and his dwarf pig. As Andrew lines up sexual conquests, Demir tries to grab his attention, unaware of the unnatural reality around him as he slowly slides into something dangerous.

Born in Turkey in 1997, talented self-taught Gem Deger shot a few LGBTQ shorts before leaving for Prague where he can now express himself freely and give free rein to his subversive visions. A sort of queer version of the Twilight Zone mixed with a soap opera shot under substances, this first hyper-stylized and deeply original feature film, is a reflection on the star system’s celebration syndrome and the pursuit of self-acceptance in a judgmental society.