Lausanne underground film & music festival
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Thursday, 15 October, 01:30, Salle des Fêtes

Frank Vis is an Amsterdam-based active noise artist, label owner and performer, known for unpredictable setups, uncountable numbers of collaborations and a high variety of sound shapes, ranging from quiet and subtle soundscapes to harshest noise walls. Vestas is his newest solo project. It is based on acceleration and controlled by a modular system. He combines strong chaotic analog modulation with granular synthesis for spatial use in a free improvised way, with the help of two watches. It´s also an image for water and the mind. We end up in pieces at the speed of a trillion kilometers per hour, like in a cyber version of A Space Odyssey. This project is now leading to the development of an electronic noise trumpet device that will be used for new ways of modulating frequencies in the high register.