Lausanne underground film & music festival
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All it took was a pangolin in a Chinese market to transform the face of the world in a B-movie set, to disrupt everyday life and to plunge the world into a full-blown existential crisis. Inevitably, the programming and the logistics of this edition have been complicated as they had to be constantly adapted to the ever-changing constraints imposed by our authorities which are struggling to manage the situation. But it’s out of the question to judge/blame them, considering the unprecedented nature of the crisis. Perhaps it is inappropriate to point out the hardships endured by the cultural world, taking into account the human and social toll of Covid-19, but in the end, we have a firm conviction that a tangible and adventurous cultural offer is more necessary than ever, and despite a severe reworking of our initial line-up, we are proud to put forth an edition that is far from being a reduced version of LUFF, quite the contrary . Especially after these months of emptiness barely offset by virtual nourishment that proved to be rather meager due to its impalpable nature, it’s primarily for your sake and that of the artists that we were so invested in making sure this 19th edition takes place, and without doubt it will be unforgettable and deliciously filling, while respecting the constraints of the moment.

Team 2020

Artistic direction

Julien Bodivit, Thibault Walter, Dimitri Meier

General direction

Marie Klay, Martina Pattonieri


Marie Klay


Martina Pattonieri


Yordan Osweiller

Press relations

Jennifer Siegrist

Sponsoring et fundraising

Macha Winterhalter

Artistic film direction

Julien Bodivit

Film programming

Julien Bodivit, Aline Bonvin, Mélanie Boss, Veronika Chekodanova, Sawsane Hema, Marie Klay, Jessica Macor, Eric Peretti, Isotta Regazzoni, Juana Robles, Jennifer Siegrist, Romain Steffenoni, Philippe Wiedmer, Tim Zurbuchen

Film equipment management

Sébastien Baudet, Lionel Bize, Sawsane Hema, Marie Klay


Elsa Lovat

Artistic music direction

Thibault Walter, Dimitri Meier

Music programming

Dimitri Meier, Francisco Meirino, Stefania Malorgio, Hiroko Pennec-Sato, Serge Teuscher, Thibault Walter, Marc Zendrinin

Music equipment management

Serge Carrupt, Joel Corboz

Live recording

Emma Souharce

Sound System



Pat Navier

Outside performances coordination

Gabriel Grossert

L’OFF coordination & programming

Gabriel Sidler

Artistic coordination

Martina Pattonieri

Artist liaison & lacol transportation

Eugénie Constantin


Marika Barman, Célia Magliocco


Cindy Mendicino, Cécile Collet


Marta Arias, Camille Huygen

Acces control

Elsa Lovat, Sara Santoro

Volonteers coordination

Sébastien Scheiwiller, Alice Fuchs


Yannick Schader, Anne-Sylvie Jeanrichard


Fabrizio Ilardo

Sustainable Developpement

Lionel Bardet


Thibaud Otz, Lucien Schubert


Lucien Schubert

Satellite locations

Charles Bohan, Gwenaël Grossfeld


Antoine Hürlimann, Johan Cosandey

Infomation stand

APCI Committee

Information display

Ivan Chestopa, Assadour Matthey, Ernest Gachet


Cristina Martinoni

LAFF (LUFF Friends)

Lana Damergi

Visuals identity & trailer

Visuals created by Estelle Vanmalle and Marcel Mrejen, generated by a Marcel Mrejen software

Trailer Music

Emma Souharce

Editorial coordination

Isotta Regazzoni

Text film

Julien Bodivit, Veronika Chekodanova, Jean-Do (aka Alan Smissi), Die Tödliche Doris, HKIFF Collection, Marie Klay, Käthe Kruse, Maxime Lachaud, Jessica Macor, Stéphane Morey, Eric Peretti, Isotta Regazzoni, Jennifer Siegrist, Tim Zurbuchen


Dimitri Meier, Francisco Meirino, Thibault Walter, Marc Zendrini, et some artits

Translation and correction

Jonas Beausire, Veronika Chekodanova, Bertrand Grimault, Vanessa Lewis, Elen Piette, Delvinë Racaj, Gaëlle Velluz

Photographers coordination

Sandra Guignard

Video coordination

Line de Kaenel


Sophie Rentien Lando

Medley production

Aline Bonvin

APCI committee

Sandra Guignard, Catherine Jodoin, Pauline Lalondrelle, Patrick Suhner

Le LUFF est un projet mené dans le cadre de l’Association pour la Promotion de la Culture Indépendante (APCI), et repose sur le bénévolat de ses membres. Celle-ci est guidée, depuis sa création en 2001, par deux buts primordiaux: promouvoir des artistes qui vivent pleinement de leur art et proposer au public des œuvres et des performances rarement vues sous nos latitudes.


Damian Navarro

Yuri Kubota (Pia Film Festival)

François Kohler

Daniel Bird

Stéphane Kropf

Nikola Mounoud

L’Association du Salopard

Gilles Aubry

L’Oiseau Moqueur

Andrea Gohl

Myriam Kridi

Arno Renken

Le Festival de la Cité

Master CAP, HKB

Julien Feltin

Dave Phillips

Philippe Castella

Librairie HumuS

Melinda Buffet

Annika Dind

Stéphane Morey

Robin Masur

La Fête du Slip

Lukas Knoepfel

Chicca Bergonzi (Cinémathèque suisse)

Antoine Läng (Akouphène)

Marie Herny (2300 Plan 9)

Jean-Baptiste Bosshard (TMS)

Vincent Paronnaud

Patrick Navier (Pat Backline)

Steve Reverand

Jean-Marie Evard (Cornaz)

Kazunao Sakaguchi

David Bennewith (Designer Lincoln Mitre)

Yann Le Coroller (Designer Alte Haas)


Lieux & partenaires artistiques


